What To Expect

It can be a chaotic and exciting time when you’re at the hospital. When you give birth to your little one, whether it’s a C-section or a natural delivery, there will be a pediatric provider that will assess the infant under the warmer as soon as he/she is born. The baby’s heart rate, breathing, and weight will be measured. Your baby will get an antibiotic ointment applied to their eyes to protect them from possible infections. The baby will also get two injections: Vitamin K to reduce the risk of bleeding from the birthing process and the first hepatitis B vaccine. The baby will be seen once a day by a pediatrician in the hospital and be ready to go home the same time mom leaves the hospital. 

On the day of discharge, the baby will be checked for a bilirubin level (what causes jaundice) and a mandatory blood test called the newborn screen will be performed. The baby’s hearing and oxygen level will also be tested. This is the general flow of care so long as the baby is healthy and doing well. The baby will usually have their first pediatric office visit 3-5 days after coming home. 

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